Gamers Sanctuary features a Used Games section, full of gently used games at great prices. Used games are sold on a consignment basis. Each item (or set of items) has an accompanying condition report, completed by the seller, full of helpful information about the games’ condition and completeness. Swing on by and check out the offerings – they change all the time!
Want to sell your gently used games at Gamers Sanctuary? Read on!
- We are currently accepting used board games and game books (such as RPGs) to sell.
- A seller is limited to five items for sale in our Used Games section. Exceptions can be made for RPG sets and other situations. Just ask.
- Within reason, the seller may sell a “set” of items as a single item (such as a game plus expansions, or a set of RPG books). These items will be shrinkwrapped together and presented and sold as a single item.
- The seller must complete a Used Game Submission Form (a fillable form that you can complete and print ahead of time) for each item sold. You can download this form and bring it in, or we will have copies available at the store. The seller is expected to be honest about the condition of their item. Gamers Sanctuary staff will review the Submission Form and suggest changes if we deem them appropriate. These forms will be available to view by potential buyers.
- The seller determines a single asking price for the item. Please mark your sale price in whole dollars if possible (but this is not required). This price will be non-negotiable and Gamers Sanctuary will only sell that item at that price. We will not break up item sets.
- Upon submission, within a reasonable amount of time, Gamers Sanctuary staff will prepare the used game(s) for sale. We will attach a Used Game Sale Sticker (Post-It note adhesive only) to the item and shrink wrap the item before shelving. This note includes the asking price of the game and a summary of the Submission Form condition report.
- Once shelved, an item will be given at least 60 days to sell. After that time, Gamers Sanctuary may ask that the seller take the item back. An unsold item may not be submitted for sale again for at least another 60 days.
- Upon the sale of an item, the buyer will be given 3 days to return the item if he or she does not agree with the Submission Form condition report. This is the only condition under which we will accept a used game return.
- Three days after the sale (or as soon as possible), the seller will receive a store credit for 80% of the asking price of the item, as submitted by the seller. Gamers Sanctuary will process any Michigan Sales Tax associated with the purchase.
- Gamers Sanctuary has the right to refuse to accept any item due to demand, condition, appropriateness, existing copies already for sale, or any other reason.
- A Used Game is sold on consignment and remains the property of the original owner until such a time as it sells or is removed from circulation.
- Gamers Sanctuary will assume responsibility for the care of item while in our possession.